Reading My Blog Post

I know, no one really cares what I write or have to say; but what else is new?

I’m just considered a dog turd that needs to get kicked aside so people who THINK that THEY are smarter and better than me can proceed along the LOSER TRAIL.

So YOU don’t read my BLOG. Ask me if I CARE…I know you don’t so why should I bother? HUH?

I didn’t think so.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a genius.

I personally think this should have been instituted a long time ago when the Racist Demon-RATS began pushing their racist agenda, but then again, the KKK and their buddy affiliates like the Red Shirts, White Camellia, and other Southern Racist groups, either had to do what the Racist Southern Crackers wanted or they died like the slaves at the hands of the Racist south.

Shoot or don’t shoot: Police scenarios prove eye-opening for civil rights leaders
By Perry Chiaramonte
Published February 12, 2015

It was a split-second decision.

A distressed man with a baby in tow was pacing back and forth in a manic state and shouting incoherently. The responding police officer calmly addressed the man in an attempt to calm him down and defuse the situation, but the man suddenly pulled an object from his side and lunged toward the officer. Instinctively, the officer raised his Taser and squeezed the trigger. It turned out the man was armed with a knife, but the “officer,” who was actually the firebrand African-American activist known as Quanell X, acknowledged he would have fired whether the assailant had a knife, a spoon or an empty hand.

“I didn’t even see it,” said the leader of the Houston area Black Panther Party, who was taking part in a training scenario in an attempt to understand what police officers go through during high-pressure situations. “It could have been anything in his hand, and I still would have used force to stop him.

“It all happened so fast,” he added. “You don’t know what they could have in their hand.”

“It could have been anything in his hand and I still would have used force to stop him”- Quanell X, Black Panther Party, Houston Chapter

Quanell, a former Nation of Islam member, is one of at least two black activists to take the police training tests. Both he and Arizona activist the Rev. Jarrett Maupin came away from the experience with a newfound understanding of the pressure on police officers, not to mention a new message for black youth who come in contact with law enforcement officers.

“I walked away with a few things,” Quanell said “Many of these officers do not have adequate training and they should not be patrolling by themselves. Having backup would stop them from being skittish and firing their weapon.

“Also, we have to teach our community that, even if you disagree with the officer, do not try to litigate with them on the spot,” he added. “Live to see another day. Don’t let our pride get in the way. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up.”

Maupin of Arizona is one of two civil rights activists who recently participated in police scenario training. (Fox10 Phoenix)

Quanell, who has been critical of police in Texas, as well as in Ferguson, Mo., where the shooting of an unarmed black man by a police officer last August touched off rioting around the nation, took the test with the police department in the Houston suburb of Missouri City. In four scenarios, he had to instantly decide whether to use a [paintball] gun, a Taser or hold his fire.

In another scenario, Quannel fired at a man during a routine traffic stop in which the suspect moved toward him, ignored an order to halt and reached behind his back

“I actually fired six times,” Quanell recalled. “I always questioned why officers fired so many shots in these situations. After going through the training, I think it’s very hard for an officer to know how many shots they fired when they are in the moment.”

Quannel said he submitted to the test because he “felt it was the right thing to do.”

The same sense of obligation prompted Maupin to go through a series of real-world scenarios in January with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, as reported on by Fox 10 Phoenix. Maupin led protests in Phoenix after an incident there in which officers shot an unarmed man who allegedly fought with them.

Rev. Maupin said he found the experience to be eye opening. In one scenario he completed, he was forced to open fire on a “suspect.”

Maupin was also surprised by what he learned during the exercise.

“It was tense,” Maupin told “They had eliminated backup as an option. I tried to navigate it as best I could.”

In one scenario, Maupin responded to a call of two men fighting.

“What’s going on today, gentlemen?” Maupin said to the suspects in the live-action scenario. “What are you doing?”

Despite his respectful greeting, one of the suspects rushed him, prompting the preacher to draw his weapon and open fire.

“I had no intention of shooting them,” Maupin said later. “I can see how these situations occur. There is a level of fear that exists and the people who are often afraid are often the ones who are armed.”

Maupin said stressful situations still don’t justify excessive force by police. But obeying cops is “a matter of survival,” he said.

“I walked away with a renewed sense of compliance in any situation,” he said. “There’s no shame in it.

“I encourage all civil right leaders to take this training,” he added. “I know there’s truth to the other side.”

Law enforcement officials credited both men for taking the simulations and putting themselves in the shoes of police officers.

“I think it’s great,” Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said to “The leaders of many of these groups, people in general, those that are high profile, are always criticizing the police. Maupin proves the point when he went through the training that you would get a good idea of what officers go through.”

Arpaio said he has extended a standing invitation to Rev. Al Sharpton to come to Maricopa County to complete the exercises.

“I’ve only heard from his people, who said, ‘We’ll look into it,’” he said.

In Honor of Our Military Personnel

The Airline Captain

My lead flight attendant came to me and said, “We have an H.R. on this flight.” (H.R. stands for human remains.)

“Are they military?” I asked.

‘Yes’, she said.

‘Is there an escort?’ I asked.

‘Yes, I’ve already assigned him a seat’.

‘Would you please tell him to come to the Flight Deck? You can board him early,” I said…

A short while later a young army sergeant entered the flight deck.  He was the image of the perfectly dressed soldier.  He introduced himself and I asked him about his soldier.

The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are still alive and still with us.  ‘My soldier is on his way back to Virginia,’ he said.  He proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words.

I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he said no.  I told him that he had the toughest job in the military, and that I appreciated the work that he does for the families of our fallen soldiers.  The first officer and I got up out of our seats to shake his hand.  He left the Flight Deck to find his seat.

We completed our preflight checks, pushed back and performed an uneventful departure.  About 30 minutes into our flight, I received a call from the lead flight attendant in the cabin.

‘I just found out the family of the soldier we are carrying, is also on board’, she said.  She then proceeded to tell me that the father, mother, wife and 2-year old daughter were escorting their son, husband, and father home.  The family was upset because they were unable to see the container that the soldier was in before we left.

We were on our way to a major hub at which the family was going to wait four hours for the connecting flight home to Virginia.  The father of the soldier told the flight attendant that knowing his son was below him in the cargo compartment and being unable to see him was too much for him and the family to bear.  He had asked the flight attendant if there was anything that could be done to allow them to see him upon our arrival.  The family wanted to be outside by the cargo door to watch the soldier being taken off the airplane.

I could hear the desperation in the flight attendants voice when she asked me if there was anything I could do. ‘I’m on it’, I said.  I told her that I would get back to her.

Airborne communication with my company normally occurs in the form of e-mail like messages.  I decided to bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher directly on a secondary radio.  There is a radio operator in the operations control center who connects you to the telephone of the dispatcher. I was in direct contact with the dispatcher.  I explained the situation I had on board with the family and what it was the family wanted.  He said he understood and that he would get back to me.

Two hours went by and I had not heard from the dispatcher.  We were going to get busy soon and I needed to know what to tell the family.  I sent a text message asking for an update.  I saved the return message from the dispatcher and the following is the text:

‘Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you.  There is policy on this now, and I had to check on a few things.  Upon your arrival a dedicated escort team will meet the aircraft.  The team will escort the family to the ramp and plane side.  A van will be used to load the remains with a secondary van for the family. 

The family will be taken to their departure area and escorted into the terminal, where the remains can be seen on the ramp.  It is a private area for the family only.  When the connecting aircraft arrives, the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side to watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home.

Captains, most of us here in flight control are veterans.  Please pass our condolences on to the family.  Thanks.

I sent a message back, telling flight control thanks for a good job.  I printed out the message and gave it to the lead flight attendant to pass on to the father.  The lead flight attendant was very thankful and told me, ‘You have no idea how much this will mean to them.’

Things started getting busy for the descent, approach and landing.   After landing, we cleared the runway and taxied to the ramp area.  The ramp is huge with 15 gates on either side of the alleyway.  It is always a busy area with aircraft maneuvering every which way to enter and exit.  When we entered the ramp and checked in with the ramp controller, we were told that all traffic was being held for us.

‘There is a team in place to meet the aircraft’, we were told.  It looked like it was all coming together, then I realized that once we turned the seat belt sign off, everyone would stand up at once and delay the family from getting off the airplane.  As we approached our gate, I asked the copilot to tell the ramp controller, we were going to stop short of the gate to make an announcement to the passengers.  He did that and the ramp controller said, ‘Take your time.’

I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake.  I pushed the public address button and said:  ‘Ladies and gentleman, this is your Captain speaking: I have stopped short of our gate to make a special announcement.  We have a passenger on board who deserves our honor and respect.  His Name is Private XXXXXX, a soldier who recently lost his life.  Private XXXXXX is under your feet in the cargo hold.  Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXXX.  Also, on board are his father, mother, wife, and daughter.  Your entire flight crew is asking for all passengers to remain in their seats to allow the family to exit the aircraft first.  Thank you.’

We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and started our shutdown procedures.  A couple of minutes later I opened the cockpit door.  I found the two forward flight attendants crying, something you just do not see.  I was told that after we came to a stop, every passenger on the aircraft stayed in their seats, waiting for the family to exit the aircraft.

When the family got up and gathered their things, a passenger slowly started to clap his hands.  Moments later, more passengers joined in and soon the entire aircraft was clapping.  Words of ‘God Bless You’, I’m sorry, thank you, be proud, and other kind words were uttered to the family as they made their way down the aisle and out of the airplane.  They were escorted down to the ramp to finally be with their loved one. 

Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the announcement I had made.  They were just words, I told them, I could say them over and over again, but nothing I say will bring back that brave soldier.

I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this event and the sacrifices that millions of our men and women have made to ensure our freedom and safety in these United States of AMERICA.

Foot note:

I know everyone who reads this will have tears in their eyes, including me.  Prayer chain for our Military… Don’t break it!  Please send this on after a short prayer for our service men and women.

Don’t break it! 

They die for me and mine and you and yours and deserve our honor and respect.

Prayer Request:

When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world… There is nothing attached.  Just send this to people in your address book.  Do not let it stop with you.  Of all the gifts you could give a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and others deployed in harm’s way, prayer is the very best one.


Thank you all who have served, or are serving.  We Will not forget!!!!

P.S.  Every time I receive this message I pass it along!  It is so heartwarming.


If you start with a cage containing five monkeys, and inside the cage hang a banana on a string from the top, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.

As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray ALL the monkeys with cold water.

After a while another monkey makes an attempt with the same result — ALL the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put the cold water away.

Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it
with a new monkey. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, ALL of the other monkeys beat the Monkey Crap out of him.

After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new monkey.

The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment — with enthusiasm — because he is now part of the “team.”

Then, replace a third original monkey with a new monkey, followed by the fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.

Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.

Why, you ask? Because in their minds, that is the way it has always been!

This, my friends, is how Our government operates; and this is how MOSTLY Everyone in the United States is Brainwashed and follows after a CORRUPT dictator style government.

This is also what happens to all NEWBIE politicians. They get brainwashed by this method beginning on their first day in office and if they FAIL the test, they are removed from office and never heard of again.

ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME, whether they be the politician or the sheeple.

ARE YOU READY? Is This the Shemitah That Has Been Predicted? FEMA Conducting Pandemic Drills Amidst Ebola Crisis

Is it just another STO (Standard Training Operation) as in 9/11 or Crooked Hook – or another Psy-Op conducted by a failed Regime who needs to distract you and entertain themselves by seeing how much FEAR they can generate within the [Re]public?

Of course we all remember the West-Nile Virus, Swine Flu, the Avian/Bird Flu, the Anthrax Attacks and we’ve all seen Outbreak, Andromeda Strain and Enemy of the State, and then there was the missing Nukes from Minot ND, the reported nuclear explosion in the Atlantic off the coast of Charleston SC after Senator Lindsey Graham warned or threatened Charleston with a Nuke to get more dubious legislation passed – but there were 4 Generals+++ who were retired/terminated shortly thereafter and the planned Grid X Experiment never did take place … but isn’t this more like WAG THE DOG where the Regime is or has used Hollyweird (the Government-Media Complex) as a mere ‘distraction’ to play their Psy-ops games on a sleeping / dumbed-down population for them?

Did our knowledge of their plans put an end to the stolen EMP’s from Minot ??? I really couldn’t say but I do know that sooner or later the Wolf ‘will’ be at the door and we should all BE PREPARED so at least hear some voices of reason on the issues … listen to the MP3 and decide for yourself!

N.B. Psychological Operations Techniques and Procedures. Psy-Ops. Army Field Manual FM 33-1-1 (5 May 1994). Psychological Operations Techniques and Procedures. 05 May 1994. … FM 33-1-1 will be republished as FM 3-05.301 (04/2005):

Cf. US ARMY FM 3-05.201 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Operations: 



13 October 2014












A two-year pandemic preparedness project by FEMA and the financial industry is to culminate with two full scale pandemic exercises in November. 

A FEMA document states the “Federal Executive Boards in New York City and Northern New Jersey in partnership with FEMA Region II, The Department of Health and Human Services Region II, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and the Clearing House Association are sponsoring a two year series of pandemic influenza continuity exercises,” which culminate in full scale exercises in November.

The final planning meeting will be in on November 6th and 7th at  26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY Conference Room A/B or Conference Call 800-320-4330; pin 528585#, states the document.

On November 13, 2014 a pandemic influenza Wave 1 Full Scale Exercise and on November 20th, a Pandemic Influenza Wave 2 Full Scale Exercise.




Zerohedge has warned an Ebola outbreak would be advantageous for Globalists seeking to impose martial law during a financial meltdown:

US and UK central bankers are meeting in Washington next week to test a financial crash war game.

“A financial crash to rival the one caused by Lehman Brothers’ collapse will be played out by the world’s most powerful central bankers next week, in a “war game” designed to help end the “too big to fail” problem.

In the first simulation of its kind, Janet Yellen, the head of the US Federal Reserve, and Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, will be joined by Chancellor George Osborne and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who will be tested on their reaction to a major US or UK bank failure.”

The pandemic exercise comes amid a false flag Ebola event on Texas territory as well as warnings by a Former Patrol Border Agent that FEMA is preparing for 200 million deaths.

An orchestrated, simulated Ebola outbreak — water? — would provide the excuse for imposing martial law in the USA as a first step to medical tyranny around the globe.

See also:

FEMA Conducting Pandemic Drills Amidst Ebola Crisis

FEMA Conducting Pandemic Drills Amidst Ebola Crisis Thursday, October 16, 2014


This is by none other than COL. ROBERT  F. CUNNINGHAM and PATRICK RISHOR, The Gilmer Mirror

Quit trashing  Obama’s accomplishments.   He has done more than any other President before him.  Here is a list of his  impressive accomplishments:

Here are the things He has Done to be Rated the FIRST President to:

– First  President to be photographed smoking a  joint.

– First  President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he  was a foreigner.

– First  President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

– First  President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United  States.

– First  President to violate the War  Powers Act.

– First  President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

– First  President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

– First  President to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when  there was no such thing as  “shovel-ready” jobs.

– First  President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

– First  President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

– First  President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S.,  including  those  with criminal convictions.

– First  President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his  political appointees.

– First  President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (GM) to  resign.  (President Obama forces GM boss Rick Wagoner to step down)

– First  President to terminate America ability to put a man in space.

– First  President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that  America is no longer a  Christian nation.

– First  President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

– First  President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and  refuse to enforce it.

– First  President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out  on the reasons for their rate increases.

– First  President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which state it is allowed to locate  a factory.
– First  President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to  protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

– First  President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly  issued years ago.

– First  President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry  (coal).

– First  President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

– First  President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

– First  President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists(including one communist!!).

– First  President to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in  office.

– First  President to hide his birth,medical, educational and travel  records.

– First  President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn  it.

– First  President to go on multiple “global apology tours” and concurrent  “insult our friends” tours.

– First  President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date  nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid  for by the taxpayers.

– First  President to have personal servants(taxpayer funded) for his  wife.

– First  President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at  taxpayer expense.

– First  President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a  week at taxpayer expense.

– First  President to repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth

– First  President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

– First  President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for  their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences.”

– Then he was  the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY  were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

It’s hard to  comprehend all this guy has gotten away with.  Any other  president would have been impeached!  What in God’s name is  wrong with our government (and the media) that they allow this guy carte blanche.  It absolutely boggles  the mind!

8 Levels of Control

Saul Alinsky


Saul David Alinsky
January 30, 1909
Chicago, Illinois


June 12, 1972 (aged 63)
Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

Cause of death

Heart attack


University of Chicago, Ph.B.1930
U. of Chicago Graduate School, criminology, 1930-1932.


Community organizer, writer,political activist

Known for

Political activism, writing,community organization

Notable work(s)

Reveille for Radicals(1946); Rules for Radicals(1971)


Helene Simon of Philadelphia(m. June 9, 1932 – her death)
Jean Graham (May 15, 1952 – 1970; divorced)
Irene McInnis Alinsky (m. May 1971)


Katherine and David (by Helene)


Pacem in Terris Award, 1969              


Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals.

How To Create a Social State, by Saul Alinsky

There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Any of this sound familiar ?




They’re standing on the corner and they can’t speak English. 

I can’t even talk the way these people talk: 

Why you ain’t, 
Where you is, 
What he drive, 
Where he stay, 
Where he work, 
Who you be… 

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. 

And then I heard the father talk. 

Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. 

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we’ve got these knuckleheads walking around. 

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. 

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. 

$500 sneakers for what? 

And they won’t spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics. 

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. 

Where were you when he was 2? 

Where were you when he was 12? 

Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn’t know that he had a pistol? 

And where is the father? Or who is his father? 

People putting their clothes on backward: 
Isn’t that a sign of something gone wrong? 

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn’t that a sign of something? 

Isn’t it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body? 
What part of Africa did this come from?? 

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don’t know a thing about Africa ……. 

I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.

I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don’t have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa … So stop, already! ! !

With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap ….And all of them are in jail. 

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. 

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different ‘husbands’ — or men or whatever you call them now. 

We have millionaire football players who cannot read. 

We have million-dollar basketball players who can’t write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job. 

Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. 

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.. 

We cannot blame the white people any longer.
Dr. William Henry ‘Bill’ Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

It’s NOT about color… It’s about


Chapters 24 and 25 from my novel “Jimmy My Hero”

Let me know what you think. I just wrote these two chapters and thought I would share them and get your opinion. Keep in mind that the format here is not the same as it appears in the book format since this blog doesn’t have novel formatting availability.

Chapter 24

The traffic was light on the way to the Las Vegas County Jail. The drive was easy and relaxing. Sally pulled up into the parking lot of the County Jail and drove around to the secured gated garage. She stopped the K-9 Unit at the designated spot of the secured camera and communications box.“How may I help you?” The voice said.

“I’m Officer Sally Jacobson.” Sally held up her ID for the camera.

“And who are your occupants?”

“I’m Commander Nathan Walters.” Walters held up his ID for the camera.

“What do you have in the rear of your vehicle?”

“That’s Jimmy, my K-9,” Sally smiled for the camera.

“Okay. I’m going to open the gate and you need to drive straight in past the gate and come to a complete stop.”

“Thank you,” Sally smiled at the camera and then waited for the gate to roll up for her to enter into the garage.

Inside the garage, officers with mirrors attached to long poles checked under the vehicle for any possible contraband and explosives. The K-9s sniffed the around the vehicle and then left.

“Okay, pull the unit up over there” The Sergeant pointed to an empty stall to Sally’s right, past three other law enforcement vehicles.

Sally parked the K-9 Unit and slid out of the driver’s seat. Walters jumped from the ‘Shotgun’ position as Sally freed Jimmy from his backseat kennel. Jimmy adorned in his SWAT vest walked between Sally and Walters into the lobby and stopped at the check in point. The armed officer checked Sally and Walters’ identification and glanced at Jimmy.

“How can I help you today, Commander?”

“We’re here to see where we stand with the Jersey Boys who were brought in last night,” Walters said as he scanned the lobby

“Okay. Right now it’s visiting hours and they may be with their guest,” the Detention Officer pointed to his watch.

“That’s fine but can you check for us? We want to see the one called Ben,” Walters flashed a smile.

“One moment please.”

Walters scanned the lobby area, but didn’t recognize anyone. Sally shifted her weight from foot to foot impatiently as she looked around at the people.

“I wonder why all of these people look so scuzzy?” Sally grimaced.

“That’s how life is in the inner city. They have nothing to do and do nothing to better themselves, yet they want you to feel sorry for them and give them everything,” Walters spoke softly as he leaned in towards Sally.

“So these are the have-nots?” Sally said with furrowed brow.

Walters looked from the detention officer’s window to Sally and nodded, “Yeah. They’re the bottom of the food chain.”

“Excuse me Commander, but the inmate, Ben, has a visitor at this moment.”

“How much time does he have left in his visit?” Walters frowned.

“He’s got another thirty minutes.”

“Can we look in and see his visitor?” Walters’ eyebrows arched up.

“Sure, I don’t see why not. You’re both law enforcement officers. Come around to the side and I’ll let you both in for a look.”

Walters, Sally and Jimmy walked around towards the back of the secured station. The detention officer pushed the concealed desk switch for the buzzer door lock to admit his guest. The officer pointed back and to the left for the two way mirror glass that monitors the visitor’s room.

Sally and Walters scanned the room of inmates for Ben. “There he is in the corner to the left, Commander. The visitor is wearing his Fedora.” Sally pushed her left finger on the glass as she glanced at Walters.

Ben and his visitor stood and shook hands. Ben’s visitor turned and walked towards the Sally and Walters. In the middle of the visiting room, he turned left and walked towards the officer standing by the visitor entry door.

“Commander, that guy looks faintly familiar.”

“How’s that, Sally?”

“That crooked nose and his wide set eyes. I’ve seen that face before many times over. It almost seems that I’ve had nightmares with that face staring at me and mouthing words.”

“What was he saying?”

“I don’t know. I never heard the words. I just saw his lips moving like he was talking.”

“Did he have the same build? Was his hair style the same? Did he have the same pallid complexion?”

“Yes and no. The only thing different was his build. He was thinner. He was more muscular. But that face I’ll never forget, because it seemed to haunt me almost every night as I was growing up. Only my pony could keep me sane and not go crazy.”

“Okay, we’ll have him brought in for questioning and go from there. How’s that sound?”

“Let’s do it. See if we can detain him and do it here and now,” Sally hurried.

Walters turned to the detention officer, “Sir, have the door officer detain the man that’s about to exit. We want to question him.”

“On it sir,” the detention officer said picking up the radio.

“Officer Victor One, detain the large man in the fedora for questioning.”

Walters, Sally and the Detention officer watched Officer Victor One as the man in the fedora approached the exit door.

Officer Victor One held up his right hand to indicate that he wanted to speak to the suspect who was about to leave the room. “Sir, my Commanding Officer would like to speak with you before you leave.”

“And what if I don’t want to talk to him? What are you gonna do if I push you out of the way and walk through that door?”

“Well sir, if that’s what you think you want, then by all means. But I’m sure you will want to meet with my Commanding Officer.”

“And where do you get off telling me what you think is best for me when you aren’t my boss?”

Victor One pointed to the officers behind the large Jersey Boy. “Well sir, if you don’t wish to comply, I’m sure my two friends behind you will assist me in escorting you to his office whether you’re walking on your own or not.”

Turning to look back, the Jersey Boy saw one Detention Officer on his right and one on his left. The officer on the right had his hand resting on his taser. The officer on the left had his right arm extended for the Jersey boy to proceed through the door. Returning to face the officer at the door, the Jersey Boy noticed that his hand was also on his taser.

“Okay, I guess I have a few minutes to talk to your boss. Let’s go.”

Detention Officer Victor One with his hand still on his taser, opened the door of the Detention’s Visiting Room for the Jersey Boy to be escorted out. The two officers behind the Jersey Boy walked forward herding him outside of the Visiting Room to his waiting escorts, Detention Officers Brett Kenwood and Jeremy Sheppard.

“This way sir,” Officer Kenwood said pointing to the hallway up ahead. The three walked twelve feet up to the hallway and turn right. Half way down the hallway, they stopped at a room on the left side of the hallway.

Officer Sheppard pulled out the chain lanyard from his retractable belt clip chain holder and opened the door. The three of them walked inside the large room and Officer Kenwood escorted the Jersey Boy up to the chair and was seated him at the interrogation table. Looking across the table, the Jersey Boy faced Walters and Sally. Jimmy sat next to Sally and stared at the large man sitting across the table from him.

The Jersey Boy stared back at Jimmy with a pinched face, but Jimmy did not flinch. Breaking eye contact with Jimmy, he looked at Walters and Sally. “How can I help you, Commanding Officer or is it Commanding Officers?”

Sally’s shoulders tightened up and her chin began to tremble as he spoke.

“What’s wrong with your partner?” The Jersey Boy laughed as he pointed at Sally.

Jimmy jumped into a standing position when the Jersey Boy extended his arm across the table. Jimmy’s large white teeth showed through his black mask, but he didn’t make a sound.

“You better control that mutt of yours or I’ll have him taken care of,” the Jersey Boy said as he stood up, his chair flying back towards the wall.

Officers Kenwood and Sheppard were standing behind the Jersey Boy, Kenwood to the left and Sheppard to the right. When the Jersey Boy stood up, they both stepped inward and forward slamming their shoulders into his back like two pro football linemen and sent him flying forward into the table.

Walters was on his feet blocking the table from bolting into Sally, Jimmy and himself.

“Sit down and shut your fat mouth. I’ll tell you when you can talk,” Walters face inches from the Jersey Boy.

Kenwood and Sheppard pulled the Jersey Boy back and sat him down in his chair. The Jersey Boy shrugged their hands from his shoulders and then turned towards them flashing his teeth.

“Hey fat boy. I’m over here,” Walter banged his hand on the table.

The Jersey Boy jumped up out of his chair again at Walters’ remark and instantly fell to the floor when Kenwood pulled his taser and fired it. The large body began to quiver from the current which traveled down the wires to the electrodes that had fastened their small barbs into the Jersey Boy’s clothing.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Walter waved his hand at Kenwood.

Kenwood released the trigger of the taser and removed the barbs from the Jersey Boy’s clothing and assisted him back into his chair. The Jersey Boy sat with hands pressing hard against his chest, shaking his head, and his mouth hanging open.

“Can we talk now?” Walters eye brows pinched together as he demanded the Jersey Boy give up his resistance and cooperate.

“Yeah, what do you want to know?” The Jersey Boy gritted his teeth.

“What’s your name?” Walters leaned in towards the Jersey Boy.

“I’m known as Draco. My name is Mickey Dragano.”

“What’s your position in the Jersey Boys, Mickey?” Walters pressed.

“I’m the Don of the Jersey Boys. Now if you’re smart, you’ll drop your Q & A and I’ll forget everything that was said and done here.” Dragano said as he continued to shake his head trying to clear the pulsating pain.

Sally’s body began to shake uncontrollably. She wrapped her arms tightly about her body. Jimmy quickly placed his head across Sally legs to calm her but she pushed him off. Sally jumped up and stumbled backwards. Color began to drain from her face. Kenwood ran around the table to assist Sally and keep her from falling. Sally flung her arms outward to keep from being restricted by Officer Kenwood, “No stay away from me. I won’t say anything, I promise.”

“Sally, this is Officer Kenwood, let me help you.”

“No. Stay away,” Sally’s voice wailed hysterically, looking for an exit from the room.

“Kenwood, get her out of here, now,” Walters said as he opened the door.

 Chapter 25

Kenwood called for backup as he managed Sally out of the Interrogation room in a hammerlock. Officers Doug Bracken and Michael Welker came running to assist Kenwood with Sally.

“Take her down to Medical and get her sedated, per Walters,” Kenwood said as he released his hammerlock on Sally’s arms.

Bracken grabbed Sally’s right arm and Welker seized her left arm. They struggled with her bouncing from wall to wall down the hallway to the Medical facility in the Detention Center. Jimmy followed behind and watched carefully. The Nurse Practitioner grabbed a syringe and needle, filled it with a sedative and injected Sally. Jimmy sat near the table and monitored the nurse and Sally.

Sally lay jadedly as her body relaxed on the table. The nurse restrained her to the table so she wouldn’t fall off, and left the room to attend to her other patients. Jimmy sat in guard of Sally as she slept under the sedative.

Bracken and Welker walked back to the Interrogation Room and called Kenwood out into the hallway.

“Is she okay?” Kenwood’s brows furrowed.

“Yeah, she’s fine,” Bracken smiled. “She’s been sedated and the nurse has her strapped in. Funny thing was that dog. He followed us and then watched the whole process and then stayed behind to watch the woman.”

Kenwood smiled, “Yeah, that’s her service dog and SWAT K-9. He’ll keep guard of her.”

“Okay, but you’ll need to personally go down to medical in order for her to be released.”

“Okay, thanks guys.” Kenwood smiled as he shook Bracken’s hand.

“Mike, if you’re not busy, can you assist us with this clown?” Kenwood said as he held Mike’s handshake.

“Sure I’m free,” Welker shot glance at Bracken, who gave him a nod.

“Later,” Bracken said as he went back to his position in the Visiting Room. Welker smiled and walked into the Interrogation room with Kenwood.

The interrogation room was quiet when Welker and Kenwood entered and saw Walters with a strong posture and Dragano with a set jaw, both locked in a dead stare with each other.

“Sir, Officer Welker will be taking Sally’s place.” Kenwood cleared his throat breaking the stalemate.

Walters’ body relaxed as he glanced at Kenwood, “Thank you Officer Kenwood.”

Dragano’s jaw was still set strong, unmoving. His eyes fixed on Walters.

Kenwood walked up to Dragano’s chair and kicked the rear metal leg jarring Dragano back to reality.

“Let’s see that tattoo on your left forearm,” Walters said with a seer standing to his feet and leaning on top ofthe table.

Dragano removed his Fedora slowly with intent, stared Walters in the eye as he kicked his chair backwards with his legs, he stood up straight, slowly curled his hand back towards his body and flicked his Fedora towards Walters’ face.

Dragano sprang forward towards Walters when the brim of the Fedora slashed Walters’ left cheek and ricocheted off the back wall falling to the floor.

When Dragano flipped the Fedora, Kenwood had his taser out and its barbs connected to Dragano’s right trouser leg and feeding its electrical energy into his thigh. Dragano quickly crumpled to the floor, his body quivering from the electrical shock.

“Enough,” Walters waved his right hand at Kenwood.

The shock of the taser continued as Kenwood kept his finger on the trigger not hearing Walters’ plea to stop. Officer Welker reached over and tapped Kenwood on the shoulder getting his attention. Welker drew his hand across his throat area when Kenwood looked back. Kenwood then released the trigger of the taser. Dragano’s body lay quite and motionless on the floor. Welker walked around Kenwood to Dragano’s body to see if he was still alive from the intense power shot that he had received.

Kenwood walked up to Dragano’s feet and drew back his right foot and kicked Dragano’s left foot. Kenwood’s strike moved Dragano’s leg upward and outward like a giant ragdoll’s limp leg flying through the air.

Welker knelt down at Dragano’s head and reached over to feel his carotid artery for a pulse.

“There is a faint pulse,” Welker nodded as he glanced between Walters and Kenwood.

“Kenwood give me your radio. Lay him flat on the floor and begin CPR.” Walters said as he extended his hand for the radio.

“We need EMS to the Interrogation Room immediately.” Walters said as he pressed the radio’s transmission button.

There was a hard knock on the door as soon as Walters released the button. Opening the Interrogation Room’s door, Walters saw two paramedics with a gurney and medical bags. They pushed passed Walters and entered the room. The lead paramedic, Andrew Wade, saw the two Security Officers administering CPR to a large figure lying lifelessly on the floor.

“Okay Officers, we got him,” Wade said as he swung his left arm outward waving Welker away from the body. Kenwood moved away as the rear paramedic, Roy Bradley moved around to the side of Dragano’s body. The paramedics began calling out their information to one another as they worked to bring their subject back to the living side of the faint readings.

Shortly Dragano began to slowly move. His eyes cracked opened. His speech wasn’t very fluent. Wade talked to him softly to calm him down so they could finish their job.

Wade, lead paramedic, stood up and looked from one person to the other, “Who’s in charge here?”

“I am.” Walters said as he raised his hand into the air.

“Okay. Here’s the good news and the bad news. Let’s start with the good news first.”

Walters shook his head holding his bloody handkerchief to his cheek, “Okay. Let’s have it.”

“Well, he’s going to be okay if he doesn’t have any more taser usage. His heart will not hold out from the shocks if they continue. We’re going to need to transport him to Mount Vista Hospital Emergency so they can take care of the trauma that has been inflicted on him….”

“What if I need to ask him some more questions?” Walters interrupted. “When could I be able to do that, because he’s a possible suspect in a cold case killing”

“You’ll need to speak to the ER doctor after he does his evaluation on him.”

“Very well, then have the ER doc call me at this number when his finishes,” Walters said handing his business card to Wade.

Dragano was helped onto the gurney and strapped in. Wade and Bradley wheeled him from the Interrogation Room out to their EMS truck and loaded him into the rear of the vehicle and secured the rear doors. Wade called in the transport to Mountain Vista Emergency and finished his paperwork. With one last check to verify that everything was secure, Wade crawled up into the front of the transport. Bradley waited behind the wheel for Wade to give the command to light up the truck and complete the transport.

“Light her up and let’s go,” Wade said glancing back at Dragano and then to Bradley.

Dragano wiggled around on the gurney and got his hand into the pocket of his Sports Jacket. Pushing buttons on his cell phone, an emergency help signal was transmitted to Dragano’s lieutenant. Within seconds, Dragano’s cell phone vibrated indicating that the message was received. Dragano pushed some more buttons to activate his phone’s emergency GPS signal. The phone sounded with a tone indicating that the emergency GPS signal was activated. Wade turned with his brow furrowed when he heard the sound of the tone.

“What was that noise,” Bradley looked at Wade.

“I don’t know. We don’t have anything that makes that specific sound. Let me go back and check. Keep driving.” Wade moved between the seats.

Looking around the transport cabin, Wade found nothing that could have alarmed. Wade glanced at Dragano’s body he laid there motionless, and then returned to the front and secured his seatbelt.

Bradley turned right onto Vista Rhodes Way for the hospital. Sirens screaming and no one in the way, the street suddenly became congested with vehicles from the side streets and stopped the EMS Transport dead in the middle of the massive traffic jam, and unable to get out or around the non-moving vehicles.

Out of nowhere, the transport was surrounded by masked men banging on the sides of the transport. Wade picked up the radio to call for help when one of the masked vigilantes pulled out his gun and tapped on the passenger’s window. Wade immediately dropped the radio and put his hands above his head. Bradley followed suit.

The mask person on the Wade’s side moved his hands as if he was using a key to open something. Wade looked at him and pointed down as he leaned over. The vigilante motioned his hand as to say, “Give me the key.”

Wade held up the key to the back door and rolled down the window enough to drop the key out the window. The vigilante caught the key and ran back and opened the rear door, climbed inside and released Dragano from the gurney and they jumped from the transport.

As fast as the vehicles appeared, they all disappeared. Wade and Bradley then looked around for the masked vigilante and they too were gone as if they were never there.

“Hit it and get going,” Wade screamed looking around for a possible surprise reappearing.

Bradley hit the gas pedal and they were speeding down the street towards the hospital with no one in pursuit. Reaching the hospital, they both jumped from the truck and ran inside to report the incident to 911.



Author Bob Unruh at

Nevada family in dispute with feds posts disturbing images.


The Nevada rancher in a fight with the federal government over grazing land his family has been using since the late 1800s is revealing some of the damage he blames on the U.S. government: cattle shot and killed and then dumped into trenches and buried.

The Bureau of Land Management contends Cliven Bundy owes more than $1.2 million in grazing fees, but Bundy insists the federal government is overstepping its authority, charging him to use the same land on which his ancestors grazed cattle a century ago.

The conflict reached a flashpoint when the government moved in armed officers April 5 and started rounding up the family’s cattle with the apparent intention of selling them off and keeping the money.

However, hundreds of individuals the family has described as “patriots” also moved in. Rather than spark a pitched battle, the federal officers retreated after a weeklong standoff, with Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., promising that the battle was not over.

The standoff  has resulted in damaged fences, damaged water troughs and dead cattle, the family charged.

Family members have created a website and a Facebook page where images have been posted.

One of the images was accompanied by a note that said: “Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot. I feel that this NEEDS to be put out for the public to see.”

On the Facebook page, accompanying another image of dead cattle, Cyndi Larson Hull said: “There is your proof they were not using it to pay toward fees … it was outright tyranny and terrorism on the part of the BLM.”

The family also posted a note urging that people check their information before spreading stories.

“We, the Bundys, are so overwhelmed with the wonderful support, love, and prayers. It is an amazing ride with the best people in America. We are trying to keep up with each and every one of you. We want you to know that we are safe. We are trying to return to a somewhat ‘normal’ lifestyle. Our message is that we still need out. We still need your support. If you do not get you[r] information from us personally or from this blog, it is our desire that you not pass it on.”

The family also announced a Friday, April 18, “Patriot Party” for supporters to bring a picnic and “play in the river” with music and entertainment through the evening.

And they have posted online a list of contacts for various state officials. earlier reported damage to the grazing land includes holes in water tanks, destroyed water lines and broken-down fences.
